For years there seemed to be just one dependable path to keep info on your personal computer – using a hard disk drive (HDD). Nonetheless, this type of technology is actually demonstrating it’s age – hard disk drives are really loud and slow; they are power–hungry and are likely to create lots of warmth for the duration of intensive procedures.

SSD drives, alternatively, are quick, consume far less power and tend to be far less hot. They feature a completely new approach to file accessibility and data storage and are years ahead of HDDs when it comes to file read/write speed, I/O effectiveness as well as power efficiency. See how HDDs stand up up against the more recent SSD drives.

1. Access Time


After the launch of SSD drives, file access rates are now through the roof. Because of the new electronic interfaces employed in SSD drives, the average file access time has been reduced to a record low of 0.1millisecond.


HDD drives make use of spinning disks for data storage purposes. Every time a file is being accessed, you need to await the correct disk to reach the correct position for the laser to reach the data file involved. This ends in a typical access speed of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


Resulting from the completely new radical data storage approach embraced by SSDs, they give you quicker file access speeds and faster random I/O performance.

In the course of our lab tests, all SSDs showed their capability to work with a minimum of 6000 IO’s per second.


Hard drives provide slower data access rates as a result of aging file storage space and access technology they are by making use of. In addition, they exhibit significantly slower random I/O performance in comparison to SSD drives.

During our tests, HDD drives addressed on average 400 IO operations per second.

3. Reliability


The absence of moving components and spinning disks in SSD drives, and also the current advances in electrical interface technology have ended in an extremely reliable file storage device, having a typical failure rate of 0.5%.


HDD drives make use of rotating hard disks for storing and browsing data – a concept since the 1950s. And with hard disks magnetically hanging in the air, rotating at 7200 rpm, the possibilities of one thing failing are usually higher.

The normal rate of failure of HDD drives varies between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives function nearly soundlessly; they don’t create extra warmth; they don’t call for additional cooling down methods and use up much less energy.

Lab tests have demostrated the normal electricity intake of an SSD drive is somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


From the moment they were built, HDDs have always been really electricity–hungry devices. Then when you’ve got a server with multiple HDD drives, this can raise the monthly electricity bill.

Normally, HDDs use up in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


The faster the file accessibility speed is, the faster the data queries are going to be adressed. Because of this the CPU do not need to arrange assets waiting for the SSD to answer back.

The standard I/O wait for SSD drives is merely 1%.


In comparison with SSDs, HDDs permit not so quick data access speeds. The CPU will have to await the HDD to come back the demanded data file, saving its allocations while waiting.

The regular I/O delay for HDD drives is around 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


In the real world, SSDs conduct as admirably as they did in the course of the lab tests. We produced a full system backup using one of the production servers. Through the backup operation, the regular service time for I/O calls was under 20 ms.


During the very same lab tests with the same hosting server, this time equipped out with HDDs, efficiency was much sluggish. Throughout the web server backup process, the normal service time for I/O calls varied between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Another real–life enhancement will be the rate at which the back up was developed. With SSDs, a server back–up today will take under 6 hours by using our web server–enhanced software.


We made use of HDDs exclusively for quite a while and we have got pretty good familiarity with precisely how an HDD performs. Generating a backup for a web server furnished with HDD drives is going to take around 20 to 24 hours.

With Henry Zilek -, you can get SSD–driven web hosting solutions at cost–effective price points. Our cloud hosting plans as well as our VPS servers incorporate SSD drives automatically. Apply for an hosting account here and watch the way your sites can become better immediately.

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