CPU Share
What precisely is CPU Share? In what way are CPU shares distinct from ordinary CPUs? Where can you see CPU shares?
CPU, that is often called just "processor", is an abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. That is the core of any computer or hosting server, because it performs all the calculations and logical input/output operations. Though the performance of a website or an app relies upon other things as well, such as the amount of physical memory or the connection of the server, the pace at which a certain processor operates determines how soon an application shall be executed. Later-generation processors have a number of cores which can considerably improve their overall power and efficiency, because every core can control a variety of processes independently or several cores can take care of a single process which needs a considerable processing power. Because every single core runs at a particular speed, this architecture can be viewed as several separate processors cooperating.
CPU Share in VPS Servers
If you decide to host your Internet sites on a
VPS server from our company, you shall be able to select between a selection of packages which provide different resources, including the CPU share which will be allocated to the new account. Thus, you can select a package which will be suitable for your sites with regards to both the resources and the monthly charge that you will pay for them. We use extremely powerful physical servers with multi-core processors running at 3.0+ GHz, so the CPU quota that you'll get shall be guaranteed at all times, considering that we create just a few virtual servers on the physical machines. This provides you with the possibility to upgrade your plan in the future as much as you would like, without having to worry that there might not be enough system resources on the server. This type of an upgrade shall take only two clicks inside your billing CP.
CPU Share in Dedicated Servers
dedicated server packages which we offer come with various hardware configurations, so that you can select the most suitable one for your websites or programs. The processor for each package is different as well - the most powerful package features a 12-core processor that'll guarantee remarkable script execution speeds, even if your scripts are really heavy and a lot of people access and use them simultaneously. The CPU is carefully tested along with all the other parts that we use to construct every new dedicated server, so as to make sure that the server shall work perfectly all of the time. We shall do this before we give you access to it, because we will never make a compromise with the quality of any of the hardware components we use. The speeds you see on our site are guaranteed for each of the packages.