E-mail Forwarding
Email Forwarding - discover when it can be useful and how to enable it from your hosting account.
With the email forwarding enabled for any given address, all inbound email messages will be sent to a third-party e-mail address that you have chosen even though the latter won't be in the list of recipients and the email sender will never be aware where their message will go. Feel free to use this feature if you have a number of emails as it will be more convenient to get all inbound e-mails in a single email address instead of logging in and out of various ones at all times or configuring a variety of mail boxes within an e-mail application. If you manage a company or perhaps an enterprise, the email forwarding is a method to check out all emails obtained by numerous departments for better coordination. You can also use this function the other way around - an email sent to a standard email address can be forwarded to multiple people.
E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Hosting
It is really simple to configure forwarding for every e-mail created in a
cloud hosting account from us. This can be accomplished either while you create a brand new e-mail address in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or at any time in the future because the forwarding can be activated and deactivated for every current email address with a couple of clicks. It's also possible to decide if a backup of the inbound messages will be maintained on our servers, a very useful feature. This will be a fail-safe in case that the remote email address is not accessible for whatever reason, not mentioning you will always have a copy of all of the e-mails. When this option is not activated for a specific email address on our end, an incoming message will be received and sent forward, so no record of it will remain on the server. If the remote email address is inaccessible for the moment, you will lose this e-mail.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Servers
Forwarding an e mail address located on our servers will be very straightforward if you have a
semi-dedicated server plan with us and it'll not take you more than a couple of mouse clicks to set up. You can do this through the Emails section of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and you will be able to monitor the mailboxes which are being forwarded and where the e-mails will be sent with a glance. The option is enabled and disabled for each of the email addresses inside your account. You could also activate or deactivate a handy option that we offer - a backup of the emails being sent through our system can stay on the server. By doing this, you will also have a backup of your incoming messages and you will not have to concern yourself with loss of any information. If you keep this option disabled, you run the risk of losing e-mails should there be an issue with the remote email address.