RAM, or Random Access Memory, is a form of computer data storage, that enables the info to be read randomly without accessing the preceding bytes before that. This makes the RAM noticeably faster than other types of storage devices including DVDs or HDDs in which all of the info has to be read so that you can access specific data. When you have a shared hosting account, the amount of memory your web applications can use may not be fixed and may frequently depend on the free memory which is available on the physical hosting server. When using a standalone hosting server, however, there's always a minimum amount of physical memory which shall be readily available at all times and will never be assigned to other clients even when it's not in use. This is valid with our virtual and dedicated servers.
Guaranteed RAM in VPS Servers
If you acquire a VPS server through us, you will have a set amount of RAM available always. We set up the VPS accounts on highly effective hardware nodes with lots of physical memory, so once a new virtual server is set up, the RAM is assigned permanently to it as per the particular features of the selected package deal. We never re-allocate RAM from a VPS which doesn't use all of its resources to one that needs more resources, so you will be able to use the features of your package at their full capacity all of the time. We set up only several VPS accounts on a physical server and we make certain that it comes with a sufficient amount of memory to permit all the clients on it to upgrade the RAM that their web servers are using without affecting the other accounts.
Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers
The amount of RAM included with each and every dedicated server which we supply is large enough even for extremely resource-demanding web programs. The memory will be available for your Internet sites and all other software that you install on the server at all times, so if at some point you use a fraction of the resources you have, we will never alter the hardware configuration that you have ordered. All of the components are examined before the web server is built, including the RAM sticks, to make sure that you shall get a flawlessly performing hosting server that can ensure the best possible overall performance for your sites. The amount of physical memory you have will be listed with the full hosting server configuration specifications inside your billing CP.