How popular your site will be depends on various things. Some of them are more obvious, for example the articles and other content and the ways you advertise it. These things can result in more website visitors, but in the long run there are a few other factors which will increase the popularity of your website - if your webpages are simple to browse, if you have different web pages for various target groups, if your website ranks high in search engine results, etcetera. Our Hepsia Control Panel comes with several tools that will help you with all these things and will enable you to raise the popularity of your Internet sites through an intuitive user interface, so even if you have not had an Internet site before and you're just starting your online presence, you won't have any difficulties to use them.
Marketing Tools in Cloud Hosting
One of the most important instruments that you'll find in Hepsia is a sitemap generator which will enable you to generate a precise map of each website in your cloud hosting account. You will be able to select the number of links to be used in it along with the kind of files which will be indexed. Not only is employing a sitemap a convenience for your targeted customers, but it will also help search engines to index your content better and to reflect any website updates. What is more, you will be able to use two other tools which will enhance the overall user experience - a GeoIP tool that will allow you to reroute visitors to different landing pages if you have localised versions of your website for different parts of the world, and an RSS feed tool that will help you to submit all types of updates. The second will be really handy in case you offer products or have a news website. Our user-friendly tools will help you boost the interest in your sites quick and easy.
Marketing Tools in Semi-dedicated Servers
One of the tools which can directly influence the interest in your websites is the sitemap generator that we provide with all semi-dedicated server plans. With only a few clicks, you could generate a sitemap which will feature any custom content of your preference. You will also be able to pick how many links have to be indexed and because the output file will be search engine friendly, your visitors will see more detailed information whenever they look something up on the Internet, so it is more likely they will visit your website. Using a sitemap will make it easier for search engines to follow the updates on the website as well. You will also be able to create different landing pages and redirect visitors to them depending on where they're situated, which will make your sites more popular in different regions around the world. Also, an RSS feed instrument will allow you to stay in touch with your website visitors and publish news and any other info of your choice for the ones that have subscribed for this option on your website.
Marketing Tools in VPS Servers
You can take full advantage of our software tools should you select Hepsia for the website hosting Control Panel of your VPS server. The most helpful one of them is the sitemap generator that will enable you to generate a custom sitemap by choosing the number of links and the type of content that will be included. A sitemap is typically used by visitors to find something a lot quicker, but the truly great advantage of incorporating a sitemap to your website is that search engines use it to index content better and to offer more detailed info in the results they display. This way, you'll be able to boost the position of your Internet sites with only a few mouse clicks. We'll also provide you with two instruments that will allow you to center on the user experience - a GeoIP tool to redirect website visitors to localized pages according to where they are and also an RSS feed instrument which you can use to publish news and updates to subscribers. Both tools can improve the user experience, so it will be more likely for website visitors to return to your Internet site or to recommend it to friends and colleagues.
Marketing Tools in Dedicated Servers
You can get Hepsia with all dedicated server packages that we provide, which means that you'll be able to take advantage of all the software instruments which are a part of our Control Panel with this powerful type of web hosting. The software tool that can have the greatest influence on how well your site is doing is the sitemap generator. You will be able to generate a sitemap in the search engine friendly XML format, so not only will visitors be able to navigate on your website quick and easy, but also search engines will index your site content and all the changes that you make better, so your site will be displayed higher and with more in-depth info in search engine results. We also offer you two additional instruments that are more user-oriented - a GeoIP one that will enable you to have localized pages for different regions and redirect website visitors from each region to the corresponding page automatically, and an RSS feed software tool which will permit you to keep subscribers up to date on news about the site. With the second option, users can read the content you post on both computers and smartphones, so it will be likely that they will visit your site again if you publish anything which interests them.