If you are not very tech-savvy or in case you have not managed a hosting server, you may have some difficulties in specific scenarios when you need to manage a virtual or a dedicated hosting server. As each and every standalone hosting server has its own Operating System and various applications and processes running, you will almost certainly come across different challenges such as a frozen process or one that's loading the server noticeably. With a shared internet hosting account all these things are taken care of by the company, but this just isn't the case when you use a hosting machine of your own, consequently you have to resolve the problems yourself. In case you don't have the skills or the time to deal with this kind of issues, you may consider the Managed Services upgrade which we offer. Among other things, it provides 24/7 monitoring of your hosting machine and the processes running on it, so in the event that anything happens, our staff can easily resolve the problem and restart the hosting server in order to recover its proper functioning.
Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Servers
If you add the Managed Services upgrade to any one of the VPS server services which we supply and as long as it's active for your account, our system administrators will keep track of your server all of the time. A number of automatic checks overseeing different system processes willbe added, thus in case any problem shows up, our well-trained staff shall be notified right away and shall work on your server until the issue is resolved. If for whatever reason the virtual hosting server runs out of memory or some process freezes, they will examine what caused the problem and will then reboot the server to restore all system processes and the proper operation of any website or offline application you have on the machine. With this service you'll not need to keep an eye on your Virtual private server all the time or pay for high-priced third-party services from other organizations that can alert you about a problem, but are unable to resolve it.
Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers
The Managed Services package can be added to each of our dedicated servers whenever you want, so whenever you decide that you need it, you can order it with a few clicks and our staff will enable an array of automated checks for the status of different system processes on the hosting machine. This will save you a whole lot of capital for third-party monitoring services from organizations that can't resolve an issue even if they identify one since they will not have access to your machine. Our expert crew can quickly resolve any problem - a frozen system process, a script which is consuming an excessive amount of processing time or memory, etc. They'll figure out what the source of the issue was in order to take care of the latter in the most suitable way and will restart the server if that is necessary to restore its correct functioning. This way you'll not have to be worried about possible problems or deal with administration tasks.