In contrast to a static HTML Internet site where all content is on the actual site pages, any script-driven website gathers its info inside a database. Just a couple of examples of such Internet sites are a WordPress blog or an OpenCart e-commerce portal - in both cases, item listings, prices, blog posts, user feedback etc are collected in the database and not in the actual script files. The more the information you add, the larger the database becomes and if your website hosting plan has some limit for the maximum size a database can have, your website may not perform properly when you reach that limit. The results can range from inability to include new info to inadequately functioning site or even the website displaying only error messages and not being accessible at all.
MySQL Database Storage in Cloud Hosting
All cloud hosting accounts purchased through our company are created on our custom cloud website hosting platform where every part of the Internet hosting service has its own cluster of servers. The databases aren't an exception and given that we can keep adding more servers to the cluster that handles them, the space which you can use for your databases is basically unlimited. Thus, you could grow your websites as much as you want and run any script which requires MySQL without ever being worried you'll reach some cap and that your Internet sites will not function properly. You will also be able to freely export and import databases of any size through your Hepsia Internet hosting Control Panel. If you have any questions in this matter, you can ask our 24x7 technical support to aid you with either one of these tasks.
MySQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account through our company, all your MySQL-based script applications shall work properly because we do not impose any limits on the size your databases may have. We've accomplished that by working with a custom-built cloud platform where the files, databases and email messages run on independent clusters of servers, not on single machines. That way, the system resources of a given cluster are practically endless since we can add additional hard drives or web servers anytime as needed. The Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which comes with all semi-dedicated accounts, will allow you to export and import databases of any size easily. If you use our hosting services, your sites can evolve without any limits, so that you can expand your online presence and get a lot of new site visitors and potential customers.