Perl is a popular programming language and one of its major pros is the fact that it supports the so-called modules - short pieces of code that include subroutines and execute various tasks. The convenient side of working with modules is that you do not have to write custom-made code or include the entire code for a given process whenever it should be performed. Instead, you are able to add just a single line in your Perl script which calls a certain module, that in turn will execute the needed action. Not only will this provide you with shorter and optimized scripts, but it'll also enable you to make modifications quicker and easier. If you are not a programmer, yet you would like to begin using a Perl app that you've discovered on the Internet, for instance, it is likely that the application will require specific modules to be already set up on the website hosting server.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Hosting
If you buy one of the cloud hosting that we supply, you'll get access to a rich library of more than 3400 Perl modules that are already installed on our cloud server platform. After you log in to your Hepsia Control Panel, you're able to visit the Server Information area where you can check the whole list. Some of them are more common than others, yet we have such a large number since we're aware that when you use an application from a third-party website, it may have specific requirements as to what kind of modules have to be set up on the server or it may not work appropriately. XML::Parser, URI, LWP and DBD::mysql are some of the modules that you will be able to access and employ on your sites.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated servers come with a large range of Perl modules which you can use with your scripts. Thus, even when you would like to use an application which you have discovered online from a different internet site, you can be positive that it'll be effective as regardless of what modules it could possibly need, we'll have them. Our library features over 3400 modules including DBD::mysql, URI, LWP, XML::Parser and more - many of them are widely used while others not so much. We keep such a significant number to be on the safe side and to be sure that any script shall run on our servers even if some module it needs is used extremely rarely. The full list of modules that can be used can be found inside the Hepsia hosting Control Panel provided with the semi-dedicated accounts.