Any time you get a new web hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, your account is made and as automatic as the entire process may seem, there're always smaller things that are handled personally. For your virtual or a dedicated server there are even more tasks to be done considering that these kinds of website hosting often require a manual setup, software installation & configuration, checking the server environment so as to make sure that everything's working fine, etc. To fund the cost for the time and efforts these things take, a lot of companies require a one-time installation cost to be paid by their clients in addition to the price for the cloud hosting. The charge in most cases is valid for every new web hosting account being acquired and it's hardly ever listed on the company’s site, but it would appear on your checkout page.
Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting
Our company does not charge anything on top of the cost of the cloud hosting that you choose, which means that you will not need to pay any installation costs or any kind of charges except for what you have already found on our front page. We think that being honest to our customers is of key importance to creating a long-term business partnership, so we'll never require that you pay concealed charges of any type, especially for something that's almost completely automated and usually requires a couple of min to be done by our system. You will not pay set-up charges even if you order numerous accounts plus they'll all be fully active instantly, which means that you are able to begin working on your websites. The full amount that you will have to pay for each of our packages is the very same that you will find on the front page.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
All of our semi-dedicated server packages are activated right away and with no additional installation charges. The cost that you'll pay when signing up is exactly the same that you will pay to renew your hosting account the subsequent months and the one that you'll find both on our front page & on your bank statement. In case you already have a standard shared hosting plan from our company and you're getting a semi-dedicated server to get additional power, we will move all of your info and we will still not charge you anything on top of the standard monthly cost for your brand new package. Because the process is nearly fully automatic, we think that there would be absolutely no reason to charge you an additional amount of money, consequently the cost that you see on the web site is all that you will have to pay.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
Although launching a VPS server requires time and efforts, we'll never charge you any setup costs even when you purchase a couple of servers at once. At the time you join us, you will need to pay solely the standard monthly cost for the selected package and we'll assemble the VPS, mount its OS, web hosting Control Panel and software bundle (web server, MySQL, FTP) without additional cost. The renewal costs for the subsequent months are exactly the same as the original signup fee. We believe that having another customer that puts his / her trust in us is way more important than getting a small one-time fee, that's why when you acquire a virtual server through us, you may never have any concealed charges.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
Our dedicated servers do not have any setup or other hidden fees. Throughout the registration process, you shall pay just the regular monthly rate for the package that you have chosen. When you place your order, we will put together and test your new machine, then we will set up all the software that you need to have a completely operational server - Operating System, website hosting Control Panel if you have chosen one, web server, MySQL, and many more. All these tasks are part of the package and come completely free, thus the registration payment and all your future renewal payments will be equivalent. If the server features our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you have a shared web hosting account from us, we will even transfer all of your content on your new server at no extra charge.