24x7 Support

Ask us anything. We are right here for you 24/7/365.

Patiently waiting for a long time to get a reply from the support crew might be rather displeasing, irrespective of how minor your difficulty is. This is exactly why, right here, at Henry Zilek - ITOnline.biz, we deliver a 1–hour reaction period warranty, and our employees normally reply in less than 20 min by using the ticketing platfrom integrated into the Application Installer. They are available for you round–the–clock.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

Completely free dedicated IP address for your server

A absolutely-free dedicated IP is included as a special feature with the Semi-dedicated 2 server setup. You’ll be able to use it to configure your own personal name servers that will resolve to your personal IP address or to instantly setup an SSL certificate for your personal web site.

You’ll be able to take advantage of the dedicated IP address as soon as you connect to your Web Control Panel. Additionally, you are able to get further IP addresses through your Web Control Panel. We have tried our utmost to provide you with the very best rates in the marketplace.

Free Dedicated IP

SSH Access

No charge SSH access privileges for your server

The semi-dedicated servers include SSH access rights, which enables you to communicate directly with the server, without having to make use of the Web Control Panel. You’ll be able to work with your data files, databases, email and everything related to your sites. Since you share the server with a few other users, you will not have root rights to change the server’s settings.

With the smaller bundle, SSH access rights are provided as an extra service, while with the bigger setup it will come as a free bonus item.

SSH Access

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

The semi-dedicated servers are located in a modern datacenter in US that is positioned in Chicago, Illinois. It ensures excellent network connectivity with the world, meaning that all sites and applications running on the US semi-dedicated servers will benefit from the best data transfer rates.

The datacenter in US ensures perfect hosting conditions that allowed us to deploy our unique internal network with customized hardware setup. In addition, network stability is ensured by way of a crew of experts who conduct server supervising and troubleshooting round the clock.

USA Data Center

  • Semi Dedicated 2

  • Order
  • Service guarantees

  • The semi-dedicated servers are setup for you at absolutely no cost. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access privileges. 100–percent–free Control Panel provided.
  • Compare our prices

  • Examine our semi-dedicated servers and find out which package offers you the assets and characteristics you will need to control your developing sites.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Make contact with us at any time by email or through the Control Panel built–in ticketing system. 1–hour reply time frame warranty.